Friday, January 29, 2010

Love Your Neighbor

And Jesus said to him, Go and do likewise.
Luke 10:37

One of the hardest things for Christians to do is to simply love their neighbor. Many of you will argue this point until your death. Many of you will make the assumption that you already love your neighbor because you watch their house while they are on vacation. You are wrong. What if one Christian exhausted the "love your neighbor" idea to the extremes that Christ was talking about? In the parable of the "Good Samaritan," true love is seen. A young man is beat almost to the point of death. Then, along comes the "Good Samaritan." The Samaritan picked up the young man. Bandaged up all of the young man's wounds. Took him to a Hampton Inn in his Lexus, put him in a room, and then gave the hostess $200 and said, "Hey, if he needs anything else- get it for him and charge it to this credit card." This is the ultimate "love your neighbor" scenario! The Samaritan did not know this guy from Adam but still sacrificed all that he could for him. This brings me to this thought: So many times we as Christians think that this only means a physical injury. However, that does not match the other thoughts of Christ. Christ always extended his love and help in all situations. What about the people you know who are struggling spiritually? Do they qualify for the same love and mercy? I guess my real question is this: are you willing to "Go and do likewise?"

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